Why Human Traffickers Don’t Go To Prison
March 29, 2012, a 35-page arrest warrant was unsealed by New Britain Superior
Court in Connecticut. The details of this one case reveal much about how the
world of human trafficking is alive and well in every community across America
. . . and why those guilty of these crimes rarely see appropriate justice.

Jaykuan and Pearl operated the illegal business out of their New Britain,
Connecticut home and through a local phone service. Similar to the extensive
investigation which led to the previous arrest and conviction of his brother,
Dennis, State police were able to trace information confirming the illegal
activity by tapping Jaykuan Paris’ cell phones and land lines. This most recent
investigation began after federal investigators found information that Jaykuan and
Pearl were arranging “for the prostitution of several females, in some cases by
means of force, fraud and/or coercion” – the legal definition of human
trafficking - and that they regularly advertised in the “escort” section of
several websites including Backpage.com.
along with his wife, Jaykuan Paris was a pimp for several women in Connecticut.
The words of
the witnesses/victims in these statements clearly expose the truth behind the
abuse women suffer from the tyrannical behavior of their violent pimps. According to the victims under his
control Jaykuan would regularly “beat his women” if they received “bad reviews” on “escort”
service websites. The users of these sites, often men who refer to themselves
as “hobbyists,” readily “chat” about and “rate” the women whose sexual services
they have paid for
Another witness/victim told police that while Pearl was on active-duty as a
Connecticut State Trooper she arrived at a motel in Rocky Hill, Connecticut - in
uniform and driving her State Police cruiser - and handed a digital camera to her
husband, Mr. Paris. He then proceeded to photograph the witness/victim, his
wife, Pearl - the Trooper - and another woman. All three women, including the
State Trooper, wore black lingerie and face masks for the photographs. He then posted
the photos throughout online “escort” advertisements in Backpage.com. The “escort”
ads would then generate calls from men looking to pay for sex.
Even though
the two-year State and Federal investigation proved that both Jaykuan Paris and
Pearl Kelly-Parris were in clear violation of
human trafficking crimes as defined by the Trafficking Victims Protection Act
of 2000 (TVPA), neither have been charged accordingly.
Jaykuan was arrested in November, 2011
and charged by the State of Connecticut only with second-degree promoting
prostitution. He
pleaded No Contest and will serve less than four years in prison. Pearl was
arrested in May, 2012 and charged
by the State of Connecticut with second-degree promoting prostitution and
second-degree conspiracy to promote prostitution. She has pleaded
not guilty to each of these crimes. Her trial date has been postponed several
times and has not yet taken place.
Since both were guilty of the same
crimes, why did one brother, Dennis Paris, receive a Federal Human Trafficking conviction,
along with a 30-year sentence, while the other brother, Jaykuan, was allowed to
plead No Contest to far less serious State charges – even though Jaykuan used
far more violence against his victims than Dennis?
The answer points to drastic and
dangerous inconsistencies in the enforcement of State Human Trafficking laws
throughout the United States. Many of these laws are less than ten years old.
And most have not yet been tested in court due to prosecutorial cowardice. Quite
simply, no State Prosecutor wants to be the first to try someone under a new
law, no matter how clear the violation. The risk to their career as a
prosecutor, should the case be thrown out on some technicality, turned over on
appeal, or worse, outright lost to the defense, is too great. No one wants to
be the first person to mess up a State Human Trafficking trial.
The consequence is that State Prosecutors
simply reduce the charges to some lesser crime – like “promoting prostitution” –
with which they are more familiar and are almost guaranteed a conviction.
“We tried for more, but this is all they
would do,” explained a Connecticut State Police Spokesperson when I asked him
about the comparatively minor charges against Jaykuan and Pearl. He was talking
about the evidence the State Police had and the limited charges with which the Connecticut
State Prosecutors returned.
The current situation is this: Federal
prosecutors simply do not have the financial or human resources to convict
every crime that is presented to them, even though their own investigators
(FBI, IRS, ICE, etc.) have overwhelming evidence. Using a criteria they will
never publicly admit, they prioritize the cases into which they will to pour
their time, talent and treasure. The rest they offer back to the States where
the crimes took place. It’s then up to the individual States to decide whether
or not to prosecute and what laws to use to get a conviction.
Since Human Trafficking laws are
relatively new and virtually untested, serious crimes that are clearly in
violation of Federal Law are reduced to relatively minor charges . . . and
therefore become easy convictions for prosecutors.
It is a dilemma that leaves victims with
no real justice. The solution is to first recognize that this perceived high-professional-risk
situation exists for prosecutors. Then, State Legislatures must provide more
viable prosecutorial tools for human trafficking laws to be used. This means
that legislators will have to listen to prosecutors and pass laws that will
allow human traffickers to be
convicted of human trafficking crimes.
Currently, the Connecticut State
Legislature is considering two bills which would not only help victims of human
trafficking, but also give them incentives to become active – and protected –
witnesses against their former pimps. One
law promises financial restitution to victims. The other
expunges the “prostitution” criminal record of anyone who is identified as a
human trafficking victim. The combination of these two laws would begin to
build the arsenal for state prosecutors who sincerely want justice done.
these laws had been in place two years ago, perhaps Jaykuan and Dennis would be
sharing a cell in Federal prison today.
Labels: berlin turnpike, child trafficking, Dennis Paris, human trafficking, modern day slavery, raymond bechard, sex traffickinghuman trafficking, tvpa, tvpra
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